Ozempic — A New Look At It!

Rene Riel
1 min readNov 19, 2023
Photo By: Priscilla du Preez on Unsplash

Yes, there was quite a bit of hype about Ozempic. The wonder drug to help you to lose weight.

But what about us with pre-existing conditions? Yes, I had a pre-existing condition. I had a section of my colon removed in an emergency situation.

So, I went on the Ozempic at two different times. I didn’t real feel any different.

On my second round of taking Ozempic and into about the fourth month, my Dr. called me and stated ‘I must let you know that Ozempic can cause a blockage in the stomach area. I thought of you because you had a section of your colon removed. She then said, “I’d hate to see you go through the surgery again”

So, without any questions asked I went off Ozempic. Although still struggling to lose weight I haven’t gained back any of the weight I had lost.

I’m still mindful of the weight loss struggle. And am trying my best to remain mindful of my portions. Which is part of the struggle. I think my new year’s resolution will be to join Weight Watchers.

Thank you for reading this.

Rene Riel



Rene Riel

Writer of many things! If you like spontaneity join my page. If you like fiction and common sense, you're in the right place! You learn something new every day!